HomeLead GenerationBest Sponsored Newsletter List For 2024

Best Sponsored Newsletter List For 2024

SponsorMyTribe.com – offers a platform for discovering unique newsletter sponsorship opportunities. It features a variety of newsletters categorized by topics such as AI, business, career, design, and more. Each newsletter listing provides key information like subscriber count, open rate, click-through rate (CTR), audience profile, and minimum sponsorship price. For instance, “Freesumes” focuses on career tips and has 15,800 subscribers with a 35% open rate, while “The Inn” targets leaders and decision-makers with 25,000 subscribers and a 51% open rate. The platform includes a diverse range of newsletters catering to different industries and interests, making it a valuable resource for advertisers seeking targeted audiences.

NewsletterSpy.io – is a platform offering insights into over 100,000 newsletters. It helps users study trends, discover sponsorship opportunities, and find potential acquisition targets. This service provides data such as subscriber count estimates, average publisher reactions, and content publishing frequency. It aims to assist in finding sponsorship opportunities, cross-promotion partners, or acquisition targets. The platform offers a simple pricing plan and includes features like unlimited access and CSV exports for $49 per month.

Hecto.io is a platform designed for buying, selling, and managing newsletter ads and sponsorships. It emphasizes the convenience of directly contacting newsletter creators on the platform without sharing contact details. Hecto.io provides upfront pricing information for ad packages, allowing users to see prices before contacting a newsletter. The platform also focuses on quick submission processes, quality control, and high engagement rates, offering an efficient solution for targeting specific email audiences and building campaigns across multiple newsletters.

PostApex is a platform for advertising in email newsletters. It offers various ad formats like native, affiliate, and programmatic ads, targeting over 700 newsletters across 50+ categories. The platform boasts an extensive network, reaching 120 million subscribers, and is trusted by numerous premium advertisers. PostApex facilitates both advertisers and newsletter publishers, providing tools for ad integration, analytics, and performance monitoring.

Newsletter.surf – is designed for discovering a variety of newsletters. It’s a platform where users can explore and find newsletters that match their interests and gain valuable insights into the performance of over 100,000 newsletters. Study the critical trends, discover sponsorship opportunities, and find acquisition targets.

Sponsor This Newsletter – is a platform offering a database of over 500 newsletters ready for sponsorship opportunities. It caters to various categories like entrepreneurship, tech, and marketing. The platform is designed for startups, agencies, and creators, with a focus on high-quality traffic generation. The average subscriber count for the newsletters is around 18,030. It also supports an affiliate model for sponsorships, making it a versatile choice for different advertising strategies.

GhostHunt – is a comprehensive database of over 1,900 newsletters from the Ghost.org platform. It offers detailed information such as newsletter titles, links, topics, member count brackets, and languages. This resource is particularly useful for discovering newsletters in specific niches, facilitating collaborations and connections within the Ghost.org newsletter community. It is priced at $19 and provides lifetime access and updates. The database is presented in Airtable format, covering a wide range of categories from business to travel.

LetterHunt – offers a comprehensive database of over 10,000 active newsletters across more than 20 categories. It provides tools for one-click outreach to newsletter creators via Twitter DMs and Email. The platform is ideal for advertisers looking to promote products in niche newsletters. They offer a free plan with access to a sample database of 100 newsletters and a paid plan for more extensive access, including the full database of 10,000+ newsletters.

Paved – is known for connecting advertisers with newsletter publishers. They offer targeted advertising opportunities in high-quality email newsletters, facilitating effective and relevant ad placements. They claim to be the industry standard for newsletter sponsorships. Campaigns are easy to launch and scale effortlessly. They work with many big brands.

Beehiiv Ad Network page is a form for sponsors interested in newsletter advertising opportunities. It’s part of Beehiiv, a newsletter platform. The form is designed to gather information from potential advertisers about their needs and preferences in newsletter advertising.

Reletter – is a first-of-its-kind newsletter search engine, on a mission to index every email newsletter on the web (starting with Substack, LinkedIn and Ghost newsletters). If you’re looking to sponsor a newsletter in your niche, get featured in newsletters or even cross-promote your own newsletter with other writers, Reletter was made for you.

Upstart.me – is a platform that connects businesses with email newsletters for sponsorship opportunities. It hosts a free, searchable database of newsletters, allowing businesses to find and contact newsletter operators for advertising. The platform emphasizes easy access to targeted audiences, and it does not take a cut from sponsorship deals. Upstart.me also supports newsletter operators in monetizing their content, ensuring they keep 100% of their sponsorship earnings.

Hey, hope that list helps! Want access to my ultimate sponsored ad list of 15,000 newsletters…with contact details? Kind of a dumb question huh, lol. Cool, all you gotta do is join my Facebook group subscribe to my newsletter that delivers the hottest tips for direct response marketing, AI, and sales strategies to grow your business.

You’ll get immediate access to my free newsletter directory list and more importantly you’ll gain access to my amazing newsletter and my free private group of some of the worlds best marketers (no-strings attached)

Other Helpful Newsletter Resources…

Newsletter Operating System – (Newsletter OS) is a comprehensive Notion dashboard designed to help with launching and growing a newsletter. It offers a wide range of resources, including templates, frameworks, and tools for curating, writing, growing, and monetizing newsletters. Priced at $59, it includes lifetime access and future updates, with a 30-day money-back guarantee. There’s also an option for a $129 package that includes a 30-minute consultation call.

Rasa.io – is a specialized platform focusing on personalized email newsletters. It emphasizes engagement, relationship nurturing, and unique content delivery for each individual in an email list. This approach aims to make email content as engaging and tailored as social media feeds. Rasa.io is recognized for its efficiency and effectiveness in the email marketing space, offering a modern solution for businesses and marketers looking to maximize their email newsletter impact.